13 jähriges Mädchen

ab einem gewissen Prompt scheint das Alter irrelevant zu sein und der Prompt übersteuert in diesem Fall das angegebene Alter. Das 13 jährige Mädchen unterscheidet sich kaum von der 17 jährigen:

visualize a detailed and realistic photo: a (((stunning young teen girl, 13 OR 15 OR 17 years old))) (silky curved layers, (((vivid cupper soft straight hair)))), whose frame a (seriously sensual face) with (dramatically contrasting, full, (((red lips)))), set against a (broodingly atmospheric backdrop) for an unforgettable (upper body shot). Her features are captured in (intense detail), accentuated by the (ombré shadow and highlights) that draw the eye, wears a white wool switcher, ((stunning)) ((gorgeous))