Sammlung B | Teil 6

(…) Asia girl, (…) depth of field (…)

((full body view)) of (((cute))) (((elegant))) ((attractive)) ((female model)) ((stunning)) Filipina teen girl, detailed hair, styled bangs, white short shirt, perfect curved body, ultra realistic face, realistic amber eyes, detailed maroon straight hair, a photo with beautiful saturation, ultra high resolution, deep shadow, (best quality, masterpiece), highly detailed, skinny, break depth of field, film grain, looking at viewer, warm smile, (upper body), masterpiece, ultra realistic,extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, best quality

((full body view)) of ((cute)) ((beautiful)) ((female model)) ((stunning)) (upper body) a young Filipino teen girl, 15 years old, detailed hair, styled bangs, white short tight shirt, perfect curved body, ultra realistic face, realistic amber eyes, detailed maroon straight hair, a photo with beautiful saturation, ultra high resolution, stands in a field, sunset in the background

Model: insta realistic, realistic

A (((full body shot))) of a (((youthful and exquisite female model))) standing confidently in a (sunny field), with intricate details like detailed bangs and perfect curls, striking realistic features such as vividly colored, detailed eye makeup and realistically drawn lips, highlighted by a (photo that exudes beauty and clarity) with exceptional color saturation and resolution, capturing an ethereal glow against a backdrop of a (softly tinted sunset).