Sammlung K | Teil 2

Model: insta realistic, default

hyper realistic 8k dynamic photography of beautiful cute enchanting mage 18 years old girl, with detailed long full wet hair, Korean styled bangs, realistic and detailed eyes, standing in the rain, looking sadly into the camera, wear wet tight super short tank top in camouflage color, super short round mini skirt, perfect curved body, dynamic cinematic lights, full body shot, exotic face, ultra hyper detailed, wet skin

Model: insta realistic, default

((detailed and realistic photo)) a young girl is alone in the heavy rain, in an city. She wears a blue thin rain jacket and has blond wet hair. She is smiling slightly.

Model: insta realistic, default

a young girl is kneeling on the wet ground in the rain. She wears a blue thin rain jacket and has brown wet hair, and she is looking for something.

Model: insta realistic, default + realistic

a young teen girl sits at a table and writes a letter. She looks sad. Dim light illuminates the room and creates a mysterious atmosphere.

Model: hyper-realism, default

a young girl sits at a table and writes a letter. She looks sad. Dim light illuminates the mysterious room and creates a mysterious atmosphere.

Model: hyper-realism, oilpainting

a beautiful young girl wears an enchanted blue cloak. She stands in a hall of a large castle. She has long, straight hair and looks sideways at the viewer. mystical light illuminates the room and creates a mysterious atmosphere.

Model: hyper-realism, oilpainting

a black-haired teen girl stands up to her hips in a natural spring. She looks at the viewer. Dim light illuminates the image.

Model: hyper-realism, default

((detailed, realistic portrait)) a beautiful gorgeous young teen girl stands on the beach. She has auburn hair and wears a straw hat. The sea can be seen in the background. She smiles.