Sammlung G | Teil 7

Model: default ad., realistic

a beautiful young teen girl with amber hair and big saucer eyes looks sweetly into the camera

Model: default ad., realistic

a beautiful young teen girl with dark hair and big saucer eyes looks sweetly into the camera

Model: default ad., realistic

a beautiful young teen girl with golden blonde hair and big saucer eyes looks sweetly into the camera

Model: cute animals, oilpainting

((realistic, detailed)) ((stunning)) portrait, a young teen girl, 16 years old, perfect curved body, smile, straight gold hair, blue eyes, detailed face

Model: hyper-realism, realistic

((realistic, detailed)) ((stunning)) portrait, a young teen girl, 16 years old, perfect curved body, smile, straight gold hair, blue eyes, detailed face, wet hair, wet skin, wet body

Model: default ad., default

portrait, a young cute girl, perfect curved body, grey tank top, smile

Model: default ad., default

a girl with white shimmering hair standing into the water, sadness swells inside of her, she steps onto the lake, turning the lake with every step into ice, she is glowing

Model: default ad., oilpainting

visual representation of a (((masterpiece with intricate patterns and realistic brushstrokes))), featuring extremely long, drawn out White hair styled in an (((intertwined line art hairstyle))), evoking an ethereal essence against a backdrop of (softly falling clouds) and a luxurious, medieval-esque castle with (dramatic lighting) casting a luminous glow on an angelically cute face, exuding a sense of melancholy