KI Kunst bis zur Perfektion

Am eigenen Prompt und Model kann bist zur absoluten Perfektion geschraubt werden. KI Kunst (AI Art) ist die Verschmelzung von Model, Style und dem eigenen Prompt, welcher möglichst exakt beschreibt, was wir sehen möchten.

Model: Blend Mode, insta natural (63%), 3D (15%), amazing details (15%), cute animals (7%)

visualize a (((realistically detailed portrait))) of a (((softly beautiful young Exotic teen girl))), she looks seductively at the viewer, she smiles gently, perfect body, ((round face)), ((shiny amber eyes)) with exquisite, smooth skin and straight, soft length amber hair in bangs cut framing her face, full lips, ((she wears a sweater made of white wool)), against a (((gently contrasting white backdrop))) (((side view)))

Model: Blend Mode, insta natural (63%), 3D (15%), amazing details (15%), cute animals (7%)

visualize a detailed and realistic photo from a beautiful, young, soft latino and indigenous teen girl stands alone in nature, she is 15 years old with long, shiny, black soft and straight hair that blows gently in the wind. Her brown eyes shine and reflect the light. Her skin is light brown and flawlessly beautiful. She has a wonderfully shaped body and is only lightly clothed. She looks seductively at the viewer and has full, plump lips, ((stunning)) ((gorgeous))