Zeit und Geduld

Wer sich mit dem Erstellen von KI-Bildern beschäftigt braucht viel Zeit und Geduld. Heutige Generatoren bieten unzählige Möglichkeiten an den Einstellungen zu schrauben. Selbst wenn der geeignete Prompt gefunden wurde, biete die Auswahl von Model uns Style unzählige weitere Möglichkeiten, das gewünschte Bild zu bekommen.

visualize a detailed and realistic upper body portrait from: a (((beautiful teenage girl, 17 years old, brown skinned))), she has a wonderfully shaped body and is lightly clothed in a (((camouflage-colored super short tank top)) that emphasizes her beautiful body, she has ((soft long straight shoulder-length hair, bangs cut)), full lips, ((light amber eyes)), she looks seductively into the camera, she smiles gently and has white teeth, soft sunlight falls on her round face ((dark background)), perfect shadows and lights, ((side view))

a stunningly detailed and realistic side view image of a (((beautiful, young emo teen girl))), 15 years old with full, shoulder-length, shiny, soft black and straight hair framing her face in gentle waves. Her amber eyes reflect the light, and her skin is a luminous mix of light and dark browns. She wears a ((thin (grey wool) sweater)) that falls just below her shoulders, revealing a wonderfully shaped body that draws the eye. Her expression is one of seduction, as if inviting the viewer to take in every exquisite detail, ((moon and night in the background, landscape))