wenn der Style keinen Einfluss mehr hat

folgendes Beispiel veranschaulicht, wenn der Prompt auf den Style keinen Einfluss mehr hat.

visualize a detailed and realistic photo: a (((stunning young light brown-skinned Exotic teen girl with flawless, soft skin))) (glossy hair with subtle layering, (((vivid obsidian black soft straight hair)))), whose frame a (seriously sensual face) with (dramatically contrasting, full, (((natural lips)))), round face and a warm smile, the mouth slightly open with white teeth, (light brown eyes), set against a (broodingly atmospheric snow backdrop) for an unforgettable (upper body shot). Her features are captured in (intense detail), accentuated by the (ombré shadow and highlights) that draw the eye, ((she wears a white , finely knitted wool sweater that emphasizes her perfectly shaped body)), ((gorgeous)) ((side view))

Um den Style hervorzuheben benötigen wir eine weniger genaue Beschreibung, denn je genauer wir unser Portrait beschreiben, umso näher sind wir an einem realistischen Photo:

lassen wir sämtliche überflüssige Beschreibung weg, klappt es auch damit:

visualize a detailed and realistic photo: a (((stunning young light brown-skinned Exotic teen girl with flawless, soft skin))) (glossy hair with subtle layering, (((vivid obsidian black soft straight hair)))), whose frame a (seriously sensual face) with (dramatically contrasting, full, (((natural lips)))), round face and a warm smile, the mouth slightly open with white teeth, (light brown eyes), set against a (broodingly atmospheric snow backdrop) for an unforgettable (upper body shot). Her features are captured in (intense detail), accentuated by the (ombré shadow and highlights) that draw the eye, ((she wears a white , finely knitted wool sweater that emphasizes her perfectly shaped body)), ((gorgeous)) ((side view))

selbst das Weglassen von detailed and realistic photo aus dem Prompt bringt nicht viel:

visualize a detailed and realistic photo: a (((stunning young light brown-skinned Exotic teen girl with flawless, soft skin))) (glossy hair with subtle layering, (((vivid obsidian black soft straight hair)))), whose frame a (seriously sensual face) with (dramatically contrasting, full, (((natural lips)))), round face and a warm smile, the mouth slightly open with white teeth, (light brown eyes), set against a (broodingly atmospheric snow backdrop) for an unforgettable (upper body shot). Her features are captured in (intense detail), accentuated by the (ombré shadow and highlights) that draw the eye, ((she wears a white , finely knitted wool sweater that emphasizes her perfectly shaped body)), ((gorgeous)) ((side view))

13 jähriges Mädchen

ab einem gewissen Prompt scheint das Alter irrelevant zu sein und der Prompt übersteuert in diesem Fall das angegebene Alter. Das 13 jährige Mädchen unterscheidet sich kaum von der 17 jährigen:

visualize a detailed and realistic photo: a (((stunning young teen girl, 13 OR 15 OR 17 years old))) (silky curved layers, (((vivid cupper soft straight hair)))), whose frame a (seriously sensual face) with (dramatically contrasting, full, (((red lips)))), set against a (broodingly atmospheric backdrop) for an unforgettable (upper body shot). Her features are captured in (intense detail), accentuated by the (ombré shadow and highlights) that draw the eye, wears a white wool switcher, ((stunning)) ((gorgeous))

altes Foto ganz neu gemacht

Ein Zeitsprung mit der KI in die 1980er Jahre stellt kein Problem dar:

an elegant (((vintage black and white close-up polaroid photograph))), featuring a beautifully drawn (((portrait))), capturing the unmistakable essence of a youthful teen girl with impeccably proportioned features and straight soft hair, with wisps framing her face, pose confidently before the viewer, against a gently weathered (white backdrop)

an old ((black and white close-up polaroid photo)), a breathtakingly realistic (((portrait))), capturing the essence of a youthful teen girl with a flawlessly proportioned upper body, long, straight soft hair, bangs cut, aged 15, wears a thin wool sweater, posed confidently before the viewer, ((a white canvas as a background)), ((side view))

von den Schneebergen an den Strand

Per backdrop oder background springen wir mit unserem Model von verschneiten Bergen direkt an den Strand und die Reise dorthin dauert nur einige Sekunden:

detailed and realistic close-up portrait: a (((beautiful teen girl with (straight burgundy hair with soft layers) and brown eyes))), looks seductively and smiles gently, who exudes a distinct (((sharpness))), coupled with (((pale skin))) and (((vividly full lips))) that curve into, dressed in a (((white crop tank top))), (attribut landscape in backdrop)

Sommer Hairstyle 2024

33 zufällig zusammengetragene Hairstyles für den Sommer 2024 wurden der KI übergeben. Der Basisprompt lautet:

a (((vividly detailed and realistic portrait))), featuring a (((teenage girl, 15 years old))) with ((HAIRSTYLE)) and expressive, (((beautiful eyes))), exuding joyful contentment

sanfte Kamerasteuerung

die Kamera der KI lässt sich sanft mit den Attributen side view und front view steuern. Lassen wir diese Option aus, entscheidet sich die KI per Zufall:

visualize an exquisitely drawn (attribut profile) of a beautifully elegant young exotic brown-skinned teenage girl age 17 with long soft, straight black hair (framing delicate bangs) that frame a detailed, intricate round face with flawless, soft skin. Her lips are parted in a warm, seductive smile with perfectly aligned, round hazelnut eyes and softly downward-turning corners, all drawn with a stunningly gorgeous form, wears a white tank top

der Effekt ist jedoch gering. Bei den nachfolgenden Bilder wurde die Ansicht weggelassen:

unwillkürliche Farbwahl

Folgender Prompt soll die (teils) unwillkürliche Wahl einer KI veranschaulichen:

super realistic and detailed full body portrait: a (((masterful fine art portrait))) featuring a (((teenage girl with light blond long soft straight, close-fitting hair))), elegantly framed by a (((sleeveless white short close-fitting crop top))), round mini skirt, ((she stands in the middle of a natural green spring)), perfect shadows and lights support the picture

Während Haarfarbe und Top vom Mädchen genau definiert wurden, ist dem Rock kein Farbattribut zugewiesen. Die KI entscheidet sich jedoch immer für weiss oder grün. Niemals entschied sie sich für rot, blau oder schwarz. So ganz unwillkürlich ist diese Entscheidung jedoch nicht, da ausnahmslos bereits angegebene Farben vom Prompt genommen werden.