gleiches Bild, anderer Prompt

Zwei sich unterschiedliche Prompt ergeben praktisch dasselbe Bild. Prompt A ist meine originale Eingabe. Prompt B wurde danach aus A erweitert:


detailed and realistic photo: a beautiful, breathtaking brown-skinned teenage girl with silky smooth obsidian soft black straight hair looks at the viewer in amazement. The hair reaches down to the shoulders and is cut straight. She has a round face, smooth, white skin and full, plump lips. Her mouth is slightly open with white teeth. The picture is bathed in warm light and creates perfect shadows. She wears a thin, tight-fitting sweater that emphasizes her wonderful body. Her beautiful brown eyes reflect a little light. ((stunning)) ((gorgeous)) ((white background)).


a (((beautiful, brown-skinned teenage girl))) with silky, obsidian-soft, straight black hair that extends down to her shoulders and is cut in a sleek, straight style. She has a round face with smooth, flawless white skin and full, plump lips. Her mouth is slightly opened with white teeth, framed by those striking locks. Her complexion is radiant under the warm, glowing light that bathes the scene, casting perfect shadows. She wears a thin, fitted sweater that accentuates her form, highlighting every curve. Her brilliant brown eyes reflect a hint of light, making this portrait (((stunningly gorgeous))).

Was darf es sein?

Ein Basisprompt genügt und daraus lassen sich die verschiedensten Bilder generieren.

detailed, realistic full body photo: a attrubut teen girl with skinny jeans and white short crop top, attrubute, fit and perfect curved body, stunning, gorgeous, smile

girl, babe & woman

Ob girl, babe oder woman. Der Unterschied ist nur minim zu erkennen:

visualize a (((vividly detailed and realistic attribut))), with straight, soft platinum blond hair featuring intricate details and delicate bangs that cascade down the side of her face. She wears a thin and tight leather crop top that accentuates her perfect figure, with full lips and a sense of seduction captured through her posture, set against a (((white background)))

Rothaariges Mädchen im Schnee

für ein nettes Bild braucht es nicht viel:

a wonderful and detailed photo: a sweet young red-haired teen girl with long, soft hair is wearing a white wool sweater. She is standing in a snowy landscape and smiling with joy

bereits diese kurze Anweisung genügt, um unsere Vorstellung von einem Wunschbild umzusetzten. Ich benötige weder eine Kamera, ein rothaariges Mädchen und muss auch keine verschneite Landschaft aufsuchen.

Zeit und Geduld

Wer sich mit dem Erstellen von KI-Bildern beschäftigt braucht viel Zeit und Geduld. Heutige Generatoren bieten unzählige Möglichkeiten an den Einstellungen zu schrauben. Selbst wenn der geeignete Prompt gefunden wurde, biete die Auswahl von Model uns Style unzählige weitere Möglichkeiten, das gewünschte Bild zu bekommen.

visualize a detailed and realistic upper body portrait from: a (((beautiful teenage girl, 17 years old, brown skinned))), she has a wonderfully shaped body and is lightly clothed in a (((camouflage-colored super short tank top)) that emphasizes her beautiful body, she has ((soft long straight shoulder-length hair, bangs cut)), full lips, ((light amber eyes)), she looks seductively into the camera, she smiles gently and has white teeth, soft sunlight falls on her round face ((dark background)), perfect shadows and lights, ((side view))

a stunningly detailed and realistic side view image of a (((beautiful, young emo teen girl))), 15 years old with full, shoulder-length, shiny, soft black and straight hair framing her face in gentle waves. Her amber eyes reflect the light, and her skin is a luminous mix of light and dark browns. She wears a ((thin (grey wool) sweater)) that falls just below her shoulders, revealing a wonderfully shaped body that draws the eye. Her expression is one of seduction, as if inviting the viewer to take in every exquisite detail, ((moon and night in the background, landscape))


Eine gut trainierte KI stellte Ethnie, Herkunft und Hautfarbe vorurteilslos dar.

visualize a detailed and realistic photo from a beautiful, young, soft COLOR-skinned teen girl, she is 15 years old and has soft long straight hair. She has a wonderfully shaped body and is only lightly clothed in a tank top. She looks seductively at the viewer and has full lips, ((stunning)) ((gorgeous)) ((side view))

Übergeben wir der KI eine Ethnie oder Herkunft sowie eine Hautfarbe (hier: light brown and olive), manipulieren wird streng gesehen bereits das Ergebnis. Ebenfalls die Angabe von Haar- und Augenfarbe zählt streng genommen zu einer Manipulation der Ethnie.

a (((breathtakingly realistic side view))) of a beautiful, young, soft ATTRIBUT teen girl who is 13 years old with full, shoulder-length, shiny, black and straight hair framing her face in bangs. Her brown eyes sparkle under the sunlight, and her skin is a glowing mix of light brown and olive. She wears a super short crop top that showcases her wonderfully proportioned figure, making her look confidently seductive.

Die Faszination von KI-generierten Bilder ist gerade diese Freiheit bezüglich Vorurteilen. So können wir die KI das beinahe unmögliche kreieren lassen: Ein Japanisches Mädchen mit blonden Haaren und blauen Augen:

je näher wir uns jedoch an das typische, Japanische Klischee nähern, um realistischer wird unser Fotowunsch:


KI Kunst bis zur Perfektion

Am eigenen Prompt und Model kann bist zur absoluten Perfektion geschraubt werden. KI Kunst (AI Art) ist die Verschmelzung von Model, Style und dem eigenen Prompt, welcher möglichst exakt beschreibt, was wir sehen möchten.

Model: Blend Mode, insta natural (63%), 3D (15%), amazing details (15%), cute animals (7%)

visualize a (((realistically detailed portrait))) of a (((softly beautiful young Exotic teen girl))), she looks seductively at the viewer, she smiles gently, perfect body, ((round face)), ((shiny amber eyes)) with exquisite, smooth skin and straight, soft length amber hair in bangs cut framing her face, full lips, ((she wears a sweater made of white wool)), against a (((gently contrasting white backdrop))) (((side view)))

Model: Blend Mode, insta natural (63%), 3D (15%), amazing details (15%), cute animals (7%)

visualize a detailed and realistic photo from a beautiful, young, soft latino and indigenous teen girl stands alone in nature, she is 15 years old with long, shiny, black soft and straight hair that blows gently in the wind. Her brown eyes shine and reflect the light. Her skin is light brown and flawlessly beautiful. She has a wonderfully shaped body and is only lightly clothed. She looks seductively at the viewer and has full, plump lips, ((stunning)) ((gorgeous))